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Lead Files
Updated over a week ago

In Leads & Campaigns -> Lead Files, you can manage your lead files and upload new ones.

Managing lead files is one of the basic things you need to know when you start using CommPeak Dialer. Correct usage of lead files ensures your positive experience when working with Dialer.

Uploading Lead Files

Before you start uploading your lead file, please check that it meets the following conditions:

  • There are no more than 50,000 leads in your file. Larger files might slow down Dialer's performance.

  • The size of the file is no more than 100 MB.

  • The format of your files is CSV.

  • All your files have the same lead structure.

  • The leads in the file are of proper quality. Low-quality leads can cause longer idle time for your agents and lower ASR.

To upload a lead file:

  1. Go to Leads & Campaigns -> Lead Files and then navigate to the Upload New Lead File tab.

  2. Fill in the fields as described below:

    1. Enter the file name.

    2. Leave the default values in the CSV delimiter and CSV escape fields.

    3. Select the checkboxes as necessary:

      • Mark duplicate leads as error leads - You will see an error message in the Lead State field if the lead's phone number is already available in the system. The lead will not be processed.

        Otherwise, if the checkbox is blank, you will see an information message only.

      • Extended address parsing (works slowly) - Select it for the system to check the lead's phone number for correctness and use Google algorithms to fix it. However, the file will take longer to upload.

      • Ignore first line - Select the checkbox so that the header row of your lead file is skipped.
        Leave the check box cleared only if the uploaded file does not have the header row.

      • Enable HLR Lookup while parsing for mobile phones and set non valid phones as error - Select to enable HLR lookup.

    4. Click Choose File and select the file to upload.

    5. Click Upload.

    6. In the next window, map columns in your lead file with columns in Dialer by selecting a name for each column.

      If you do not select any value, the column will be ignored.

  3. Click Import.
    Once you import the file, the Lead Files page is displayed, where you will see it in the list of other lead files.

  4. Wait until the file parsing completes (a green checkmark appears in the Parsed? column).

  5. Assign the leads to a campaign:

    1. Click Select Option in the Actions column and choose Assign to Campaign.

    2. In the pop-up window, select the necessary campaign in the list.

    3. If you want the uploaded leads to be assigned to this campaign only, in case they have already been included in other campaigns, you can just select the checkbox below.

    4. Click Assign.

As soon as you do it, the campaign name appears in the Assigned to: field.

Now the leads are uploaded and ready to be called.

Lead File Details and Statistics

After you have โ€uploaded lead files, you can view statistics and detailed information about the leads.

To take a look at general statistics for your file, follow these steps:

  1. In the main menu, click Leads & Campaigns -> Lead Files.

  2. On the line with the needed lead file, in the Actions column, click Select Option -> Stats.

On the Lead File Stats page, you will see the total number of leads processed, the number of error leads, duplicates, duplicates with errors, and more. It also displays the top 10 countries by the number of leads in your file.

To get more details about your uploaded file, follow these steps:

  1. In the main menu, click Leads & Campaigns -> Lead Files.

  2. In the Actions column, click Select Option -> View Leads.

The Lead Search page will open, displaying all the leads uploaded in the file and search filters to find necessary leads quickly.


We recommend that you use this option to check your leads before you assign the lead file to a campaign. This way, you will make sure the leads have been uploaded successfully.

Click Select Action next to any lead to reach additional actions such as viewing the lead page, deleting the lead, adding it to a blacklist, and more.

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