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General Settings
Updated over a week ago

Users with relevant permissions can manage the settings of the tenant in which they operate: change the phone masking settings, enable and set up access control, modify the call page layout, or change the timezone of their Dialer platform.

To edit the general settings, click Settings > General Settings in the main menu.

Main Settings

Here you can change the settings as follows:

  1. Update the system description

  2. Set the maximum number of calls to a destination

  3. Specify the duration after which the system will automatically log out inactive users

  4. Enable or disable the phone number masking

  5. Select if you want to show the first or last digits of the phone number

  6. Specify the number of digits to display. If you select 0, all the digits will be hidden


The maximum number of calls works only together with the Phone normalized reached tenant's max call for the destination condition in campaign rules.

Personal Predictive Queue

You can enable the Personal Predictive Queue feature and set the following:

  • Default Ratio. Set default call ratio for all agents. You can customize the ratio for specific agents in their user settings.

  • Sorting Algorithm. Choose the sorting method for calling PPQ leads by their call-back time or weight:

    • Call Back Time Ascending or

    • Weight Descending, Then Call Back Time Ascending.

Security User Sessions Settings

Here, you have the option to restrict the duration of the user's session and define the type of authentication.

  • Two-Factor Authentication Type. A security procedure where users offer two forms of authentication for system access. You have three choices: Deactivated (no 2FA), email authentication, or Google 2FA app.

  • Advanced Security Settings. You have the option to enable additional settings as follows:

    • User session expires after. The user will be automatically logged out following the set duration.

    • Max user concurrent sessions. A session is started for every browser on each individual device, enabling users to log in with multiple concurrent sessions. You have the option to restrict the number of sessions or allow an unlimited setting.

Lead Phones Lookup

You can enable the following options here:

  1. Enable HLR Lookup. This feature will assist in identifying valid and active phone numbers, enhancing the likelihood of connecting with real customers.

  2. Enable LRN Lookup: Enhance the detection of geographical locations and time zones for phone numbers in the USA and Canada.

HLR Lookup Token. To enable HLR lookup functionality, input the lookup token associated with your CommPeak account.


HLR settings should be configured in API users, lead files and remote adapters. Please contact the support team for assistance.

Call Page Fields

In this section, you can modify the layout of the customer card displayed to the agent during the call.

You can perform the following actions:

  • Add new fields. Click Add New Field and for the new line that appears, select the required name in the drop-down list.

    In the same way, you can add top fields.

  • Remove fields. Click the red button to remove the selected line.

  • Change field order. Holding the mouse button down on the blue button, drag and drop the field to the place where you want it to appear on the call page.

  • Preview the page. Click the Preview button and select the preview resolution.

    You will see the page layout preview.

Dropped Call Settings

Here, you can define actions related to call termination.

Playback file. Upload an audio file to be played to clients while the system searches for an agent to respond.

Timeout for searching for an available agent. Specify the duration (in seconds) for which the Dialer will search for an available agent before terminating the call.

Predictive Dropped Call Action. Select one of the following options:

  • Hangup Call.

  • Play file (you must specify a file to play).

  • Forward call to SIP URI (you must specify the SIP URI).

  • Unselected (in this case, action will be taken from group or campaign rules).

Also, set the number of seconds to wait till applying the default action.

Extended Settings

In the Extended Settings section, you can:

  • set the first day of the week (Sunday or Monday)

  • change the timezone of your CommPeak Dialer platform

  • enable additional filter options for the advanced lead search

  • allow agents to rate calls.

After making all the needed settings, click Save at the bottom of the page.

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