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Dynamic Caller ID Rules
Updated over a week ago

The Dynamic Caller ID feature allows you to change or hide your caller ID during outbound calls based on previously set rules.

For example, you are calling to the US from the UK and want to appear as calling from the US. If you have set up an automated rule for this, your caller ID will change to the US phone number you have specified in the rule.

All dynamic rules you have created are displayed in the VoIP Services section, on the Dynamic Caller ID tab.

To add a dynamic Caller ID rule:

  1. Click the Add Dynamic Caller ID button in the top right.

  2. In the window that appears, fill in the fields described in the table.

  3. Click Save Rule.



Rule Name

Enter the name of the rule

Apply Rule for

  • All Calls

Select this option to apply the rule to all calls

Apply Rule for

  • Calls to specific country

Select a country from the dropdown list

Apply Rule for

  • Calls to specific prefix

Enter a calling prefix, for example, 44203 for London - UK

Caller ID Type

  • Set by Caller

The call recipient will see the name or number you have configured as a Caller ID in your SIP Client or PBX.

Caller ID Type

  • Blocked (Anonymous)

Your Caller ID will be displayed to recipients as Anonymous or Blocked.

NOTE: This type may be unavailable in your configuration.

Caller ID Type

  • Specific Caller ID

You can choose a verified Caller ID or verify a number to use as a Caller ID.

Dynamic rules will apply to outgoing calls after you enable them in SIP accounts.

To activate dynamic Caller ID rules:

  1. Expand VoIP Services in the left pane.

  2. Go to the SIP Accounts tab.

  3. Click Edit for the SIP account you wish to modify.

  4. On the Edit SIP Account page that opens, scroll down to the Caller ID section. Find the rule in the table and move the toggle to the right.

You want to create a dynamic Caller ID rule for multiple verified phone numbers being selected randomly.
You need to create multiple rules on the Dynamic Caller ID page with the same logic for different numbers.
Activate the rules for the relevant SIP account on the Caller ID tab.
In this example, we will create it for phone numbers 441632960393 and 441632960395.
Rule 1: In Apply Rule for select All Calls, in Caller ID Type select Specific Caller ID and 441632960393
Rule 2: In Apply Rule for select All Calls, in Caller ID Type select Specific Caller ID and 441632960395

This will create dynamic Caller ID rules to pick one of the specific numbers (441632960393 and 4416329603935) when calling from that SIP account to all destinations.

You want to set a German DID number for outgoing calls to Germany.
In Call to specific country, you should select the country prefix for Germany (+49).
Under Caller ID Type, select Specific Caller ID and verify a German DID number you will use as your Caller ID for outgoing calls to Germany (e.g., +493012345678).

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