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Proactive Account Monitoring
Updated over a week ago

The Proactive Account Monitoring feature lets you enhance the security of your account and control your calls and spending by setting restrictions for your entire account or per SIP account.

You can block calls if suspicious traffic is detected, restrict your calls at certain hours or days, and set limitations to your spending. You can also set related notifications to be sent to your email.

Proactive Account Monitoring is available on your CommPeak portal under VoIP Services > Proactive Monitoring.

Below, you will find explanations about each part of this page.

Active Call Blocks

The Active Call Blocks table shows if call blocking is currently active in your account based on your configuration and gives explanations about the rule that triggered the blocking.


In this section, you can change the proactive monitoring configuration.


Activating the configuration options means that you give approval for call blocking in your account.

You can configure the following:

  • Define your working days and prevent issuing outgoing calls from all of your SIP accounts during the non-working days marked on this page.

  • Specify your working hours and prevent issuing outgoing calls from all of your SIP accounts during the time outside of these hours.

  • Enter the maximum possible balance consumption within 24 hours and prevent issuing outgoing calls from all of your SIP accounts if overall consumption exceeds this amount.

  • Allow CommPeak to block outgoing calls when the proactive monitoring system detects abnormal traffic from your SIP accounts.

  • Let CommPeak notify you when the proactive monitoring system detects abnormal traffic from your SIP accounts.

After changing the configuration, click Apply Changes.
For confirmation, enter your account's password in the pop-up window and click Save Settings.

Proactive Monitoring Rules

This section gives you additional monitoring possibilities for controlling your spending.

To create a new monitoring rule:

  1. Click on the plus sign next to the number of rules. This will open the Create Proactive Monitoring Rule page.

  2. Define if you want to apply the rule to the entire customer account or to each of your SIP accounts separately.

  3. Set the monitoring conditions. You can select one or both options mentioned to compare the current day's consumption to your previous workday and the same day last week.

  4. Select the action to perform in case the specified condition is fulfilled:

    • Send email alert to...: Specify the email you would like to be notified to. Leave the email field blank to receive notifications to your account's default email.

    • Set account Rate cap to...: Enter the rate cap you want to set if the condition is fulfilled. You will see the current rate cap under the box.

  5. Click Save Rule.

Past 24 Hour Call Blocks

In this table, you will see all the cases of call blocking in your account within the latest 24 hours with alert descriptions.

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