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Blacklists Management
Updated over a week ago

The Blacklists Management section under Leads & Campaigns lets you handle the leads that you do not want to be called.

Here you can upload blacklisted leads, approve the uploaded numbers, or remove them from the blacklist.

Adding Leads to a Blacklist

On the Add Blacklisted Leads tab, you can upload a file containing leads that you do not want to be dialed.

Requirements for the blacklist file:

  • The file must be in the CSV format

  • Contains only one column - the list of phone numbers

  • No longer than 50K rows long to prevent overload

To upload a blacklist file:

  1. Go to Leads & Campaigns -> Blacklists Management in the main menu and switch to the Add Blacklisted Leads tab.

  2. Select the suggested checkboxes if you want to mark all the uploaded leads as approved or permanently approved at once. Otherwise, you can approve them later.

  3. Click Choose File and browse for the file to upload.

  4. Click Upload.

You will be redirected to the Tasks Logs page, where you can track the upload progress.

Approving Blacklisted Leads

You can approve the leads added to a blacklist while uploading them if you put a checkmark in one of the suggested checkboxes - Mark all dnc leads as approved or Mark all dnc leads as approved permanently.


Approving blacklisted leads permanently makes it impossible to unapprove them or delete from the list.

The leads uploaded with approval will appear on the Blacklisted Leads tab.

Those leads that still need approval will be saved to the Blacklisted Leads for Review tab.

Approving a single blacklisted lead

  1. Go to the Blacklisted Leads for Review tab.

  2. On the line for the lead you want to approve, select Approve Blacklist number in Actions.

The lead will be moved to the Blacklisted Leads tab.

Approving multiple blacklisted leads

  1. On the Blacklisted Leads for Review tab, select the lines with the leads you would like to approve.

  2. At the bottom of the page, select Approve in the drop-down list.

  3. In the other drop-down list, you can choose from more options for which records to select.

  4. Click OK.

The selected numbers will be moved to the Blacklisted Leads tab.

Unapproving Blacklisted Leads

In the same way, you can unapprove the approved leads. Just select the relevant option under Actions, or a group action at the bottom of the page.

Removing Leads from the Blacklist

You can remove both approved leads and leads under review from the blacklist.

To remove a single lead from the blacklist:

  1. Go to the Blacklisted Leads or Blacklisted Leads for Review tab.

  2. On the line for the lead you want to remove, select Remove from Blacklist in Actions.

    The lead will be removed from the blacklist and can be called again.

To remove multiple leads from the blacklist:

  1. On the Blacklisted Leads or Blacklisted Leads for Review tab, select the lines with the leads you would like to remove.

  2. At the bottom of the page, select Delete from Blacklist in the drop-down list.

  3. In the other drop-down list, you can choose from more options for which records to select.

  4. Click OK.

    The selected numbers will be removed from the blacklist and can be called again.

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