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Updated over a week ago

To work with PBX Stats, all users need to have an account where they get roles and receive access to desks.

Users with relevant permissions can view, create, edit, and delete other users.

The Users Manager page is available under the Configuration menu.


Users Table

The table on the Users Manager page gives details about each user.




The user's name in the system


The user's email address


The role(s) granted to the user. Hovering over a role will show its description.
Roles with special permissions will be displayed here, too.


The desks the user is assigned to


Shows if the user account is deactivated or activated


Click the links to perform the actions to the user account:

New User Creation

To create a new user:

  1. Click Create New User in the top right corner of the Users Manager page.

  2. In the New User window, enter the credentials for the user.

  3. Please select one or more roles for the user and assign the user to one or more desks.

  4. Click Save. The new user will appear in the list.



New users are enabled by default.

Editing Existing Users

You can edit previously created users as follows:

  • Change the user's email and username

  • Assign them new roles and desks or remove the existing ones

  • Disable the user

To edit a user:

  1. On the Users Manager page, click Edit in the Actions column on the line for the needed user.

  2. Make changes in the user window and click Save.


The Actions column also has options to change the user's password and delete the user.

Enabling 2FA Login

You can turn on or off two-factor authentication for existing users.

To enable 2FA:

  1. Click Disabled in Actions.

  2. Select a verification method:

    • Email Code - enable validation using a temporary password emailed to the user. First, the users will need to enter login credentials. In the second step, they must also validate their email addresses by entering quick codes emailed to them.

    • Google Secret Code - enable validation using the Google Authenticator app. If activated, the users will be asked to configure the Google Authenticator app after entering their credentials. Then they will be able to generate ten recovery codes.

  3. Click Change to confirm.



If the recovery codes become inactive or the user lost them, click Reset Google 2FA in Actions. The system will ask the user to reconfigure the Authenticator app and generate new recovery codes on the next login.

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