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Webhooks Management
Updated over a week ago

In your CommPeak Dialer system, you can create webhooks to send general or Click2Call CDR data to an external party and configure triggers according to specified conditions. To set up the webhooks, expand Settings in the main menu and click Webhooks Management.

On the page that opens, you can add new webhooks or modify or remove existing ones. The request log is available on the Webhooks Log tab.

The search by filter section allows you to narrow your webhook choices using various criteria, such as name, event type, method, and more.

Adding New Webhooks

You can create either Dialer or C2C (Click2Call) webhooks.

To create a new webhook:

  1. Click Add New Webhook at the top right.

  2. On the new page, enter an informative name and description.

  3. Select a type from the drop-down list:

    • Dialer webhook type

    • C2C webhook type

  4. For the C2C type, select an existing Click2Call integration or click New C2C Integration in the Connected C2C list. Follow the steps in this article to add a new integration.

  5. If you don't want to activate the webhook for now, toggle the slider at the bottom to the left. You can re-enable it later by adjusting the webhook settings.

  6. Click Continue to definitions.

  7. In the next section, configure custom Click2Call settings.

    • Dialer webhook type

      • Reported Call Types: Select one or several call types from the drop-down list. Available options include incoming, predictive, progressive, and manual.

      • Reported Event Type: Choose one or more event categories from the dropdown menu to set a trigger (e.g., when a call begins, is answered, is bridged, or ends).

      • Customer End Point URL: Enter the third-party website URL set up during the webhook's creation. You can also modify it later if necessary.

      • Method: Choose one of the following methods:

        • POST_JSON to use the HTTP POST method and send the data in JSON format.

        • GET to retrieve data using the HTTP GET request.

        • POST_FORM to use the HTTP POST method and send the data in a form-encoded format.

      • Retries: Choose how often the system will try again if the request fails.

      • Authentication Type: Select the type from the following options and provide verification information:

        • No auth: The webhook endpoint requires no authentication for incoming requests.

        • API key: Enter the name and value of your unique key.

        • Bearer token: Enter your unique token.

        • Basic auth: Enter your unique username and password.

        • Digest auth: Provide your hashed credentials (username and password) to authenticate to the webhook endpoint.

      • Send as batch: Select this checkbox if you wish to aggregate multiple pieces of data into a single package that gets refreshed every three seconds before sending them to the webhook endpoint.

    • C2C webhook type

      • Reported Call Types: Manual - C2C is pre-defined.

      • Reported Event Type: Select Hang Up.

      • Customer End Point URL: Enter the third-party website URL set up during the webhook's creation. You can also modify it later if necessary.

  8. In the next section, you can configure field mappings to align the following webhook data fields in the Dialer with your CRM's naming convention. Updated field names will be sent in the payload, and original names will be retained if unchanged. Ensure field names do not contain spaces or special characters.

    Click the plus icon to add more fields. Remove unnecessary fields by clicking the trash icon.

    • id: The call ID.

    • event_timestamp: The timing of the event occurrence depends on the event type. For instance, when an incoming or predictive call begins would be determined.

    • event_type: The options are Incoming, Predictive, Progressive, and Manual.

    • call_type: The options are Calling, Answer, Bridge, and Hang Up.

    • caller_user_id: The user's ID. For example, cid on the CRM's side.

    • username: Username of the user who called.

    • dst: Who received the call. For example, phone on the CRM's side.

    • client_callerid_number: The ID of the agent who made the call.

    • call_uuid: Unique call id.

    • start_at: For example, the custom name used in the CRM can be createat.

    • end_at: The time the call ended.

    • call_duration: Total call time from start to end.

    • call_bill_duration: The total time the client needs to pay for. For example, duration on the CRM's side.

    • call_status: Fail or OK.

    • call_record_url: The link to the call recording. For example, recording on the CRM's side.

    • call_hangup_side: Who hung up the phone, the agent or the client.

    • call_hangup_cause: Why the call ended (Answered, Busy, Failed, etc). You can modify the cause field names in the section with custom parameters in the lower part of the page.

    • extended_data_c2c_id: The Click2Call ID number. For example, c2c_id on the CRM's side.

    • extended_data_route_name: The outbound route used to make this call

    • extended_data_leg_a: The caller side. For example, employeeId or user_id on the CRM's side.

    • extended_data_leg_b: The destination. For example, lead_phone on the CRM's side.

    • extended_data_c2c_meta_data: This field is dynamic. For example, it can be customerid on the CRM's side.

  9. Move the toggle to the right to create custom hang-up cause names for those used in the CRM.
    Click the plus icon to add more fields. Remove unnecessary fields by clicking the trash icon.​

  10. If you use any custom parameters, add their names and values in the CRM.
    Click the plus icon to add more fields. Remove unnecessary fields by clicking the trash icon.​

  11. The webhook request preview is available on the right part of the page. You can copy the code and test it as needed.

  12. Click Create.

Actions with Webhooks

The Actions column in the Webhooks Management table provides several controls. Click the three-dot menu and select an action from the drop-down list.

  • Edit Webhook: You can change the webhook name and description, endpoint URL and authentication method, and other settings, or modify the mapping of fields with the CRM.

  • Field Mapping: Click this control to move to the mapping section on the webhook edit page.

  • Test Webhook: A pop-up window with CommPeak IPs will appear after you select this option. Ensure you allow access to the mentioned IPs in your endpoint, then click Proceed to run the test.

  • View event log: This action allows you to access the event log for a specific webhook. Another way to view the webhook's events is to apply filters at the Webhooks Log tab.

  • Delete: Click the trash icon to remove the webhook.

You can enable, turn off, or delete multiple webhooks at once.

To apply actions to multiple webhooks:

  1. Select the webhooks for which you wish to apply mass actions.

  2. Choose an action from the drop-down list at the top of the page.

  3. In the next box, choose which IDs you want to apply the action to: selected records or all records.

  4. Click Process.

Webhooks Log

You can view your webhooks' event log by going to Settings > Webhooks Management and then expanding the Webhooks Log tab. To narrow your selection, apply the name, method, call type, or other filters.

You can run again or pause a specific webhook by navigating to Actions at the end of its row.

To send again, pause or delete multiple webhooks, select the needed items in the table, and then use the bulk actions at the bottom of the page.

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