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DID Inventory and Reports
Updated over a week ago

In your CommPeak Portal, you can find information about your available virtual numbers (DIDs), set notifications, and view payments.

In the DIDs section at the bottom of the homepage, you can view the activity of your DID numbers by country and information about their statuses.



To access the inventory list of your virtual numbers, expand DIDs in the menu on the left. Then click the Inventory tab.

You can search for virtual numbers using various criteria. Enter multiple numbers separated by a comma in the DID Number field, search by purchase orders, identities, etc., or select checkboxes next to statuses.



DID Number

The number itself also shows tag(s) and number type (geo, national or toll-free)

Order #

Purchase order number


Identity of the virtual number set on its purchase

Incoming SMS

If the number supports incoming SMS messages, click here to view messages sent to this number


Voice URI to which incoming calls will be forwarded


Your personal, mobile, or another number to which you forward calls from this virtual number


Automatic renewal enabled or disabled

Exp. Date

Expiry date


Virtual number enabled (green) or suspended (grey, not enough balance)

Monthly Fee

Monthly recurring charge

Toll Free Rates

Inbound call rates (fixed, mobile, or payphone)


Click on this button to download the list of the displayed virtual numbers as a CSV file

Test call button

Click on this button to simulate an incoming call within CommPeak cloud infrastructure

DID Reports

In the DIDs section of your CommPeak Portal account, you can run the following reports:

  • Origination CDR with details about your inbound calls described in the dedicated article

  • and reports about inbound SMS and FAX messages.

The SMS Report and FAX Report pages are similar. By default, they contain data for all messages and show the sender's number (Caller ID), delivery time, cost per message, and delivery email addresses.


To find specific data, set search filters:

  • by virtual number,

  • by Caller ID,

  • or by a preset or custom date range.

Then click Search.

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