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Creating a Queue in PBX
Updated over a week ago

Follow the steps in this guide to create a queue in Cloud PBX.

Step 1: Access the Cloud PBX Web Interface

  1. Obtain your Cloud PBX server's domain and admin credentials from CommPeak support team.

  2. Open a web browser, navigate to the domain, and log in to the server.

Step 2: Create a Queue

1. Go to APPLICATIONS -> Queues.

2. Click + Add Queue.


3. In General Settings, we recommend setting the following basic configurations:



Queue Number

Manually enter the number of your queue.

Queue Name

Manually enter the name of your queue.

Agent Restrictions

Extensions Only

Ring Strategy

You can define the order or pattern in which agents or devices associated with the queue are alerted when there's an incoming call (which phone or extension within the queue will ring when a call arrives). Select a value from the dropdown list depending on workload distribution, agent availability, and service level goals of your call center:

  • ringall: all available agents' phones ring simultaneously, and the call is answered by the first one to pick up

  • leastrecent: the agent who has been least recently called by the queue is the first to be alerted

  • fewestcalls: the agent who has taken the fewest calls from the queue is the first to be alerted

  • random: calls are distributed randomly among available agents

  • roundrobin: calls are distributed circularly, rotating through available agents

  • rrmemory: roundrobin with memory remembering the last ring pass (recommended value)

  • linear: similar to round robin but allows skipping agents who are unavailable

  • wrandom: similar to random, but agents who have been idle longer are more likely to be chosen.



Skip Busy Agents

Yes + (ringinuse=no)

Fail Over Destination

Select a failover destination to the queue, such as VM, or any other destination


4. On the Timing & Agent Options tab, please set from 2 to 5 minutes for the Max Wait Time field.

5. Click Submit.


6. Click APPLY CONFIG in the top right corner.


Step 3: Assign Agents to the Queue

Please take a look at the Queue Manager article for guidance.

Step 4: Test the Queue

  1. Place a test call to the designated phone number or DID routed to the queue.

  2. Verify that the call is placed in the queue and that agents receive the call according to the configured queue strategy.

We recommend that you contact our support team with a request to configure inbound call routes and destinations for you, and we will be happy to do it.

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