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Call Quality Issues
Updated over a week ago

To troubleshoot a call quality issue, please perform the steps below.

Step 1: Check agents' connection and equipment

If the agent works from home or uses a VPN, please check the agent's network, as connectivity issues can affect the call quality.

Сheck the agent's hardware (headset and microphone) in other applications. Can the agent hear the sound clearly with no disturbances? Can the other side hear the agent well?

Step 2: Listen to call recordings

You can search for calls and listen to recordings on the Call Records List page. If the quality is low (breaking lines and choppy audio), please contact the support.

For more information, please refer to the Call Records List Report article.

Step 3: Contact support

If the issue persists, please submit a support ticket. Attach at least four phone conversation samples with a timestamp from call records. We will investigate the issue and make routing changes if needed.

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