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Object Lists
Updated over a week ago

Object lists contain items that the system treats in the same way.

The lists are used in group filters for lead filtering. When adding new objects to a list, to update the filters, you will just need to make changes to the list.


If the entire user group should call or not call a specific list, you need to add that list to all group filters. Please have a look here for more information on the group filters.

Creating Object Lists

To create an object list:

  1. Go to Settings > Advanced Leads Settings and switch to the Object Lists tab.

  2. Select a type in the New List Type dropdown list and click Create.

  3. Enter a name for the list. Then click Select object(s) for import.

  4. Select items from the dropdown list.

  5. Click Do Import. Selected objects will appear in the lower part of the screen. Check the list, add missing objects, or remove unnecessary ones.
    You can search for a specific object in the search box.

  6. Click Create List. The newly created list will appear in the table.

List Types

Below we'd like to provide examples for Countries, Custom, and Campaign Lead Statuses types.


Lists with countries are used most frequently. For example, you can combine countries by spoken languages or other criteria.

Once you click Create List, you can use it for filtering leads in Filter Groups under Predefined Object Lists.


The custom lists can contain any items, for example, purchase sites, support sites, product names, and other objects.

To add objects to the list, enter an item name and click Add. Include as many objects as you need. Later you can add more items or remove any item you wish.


The item name should have the same value as in the CRM or in the lead file.

Once you click Create List, you can filter leads in Filter Groups, using the needed object category on the filter line (like Purchase Site in the example below) and selecting the required custom list in the dropdown.

Campaign Lead Statuses

This list type is used to prioritize leads with a specific status.


  1. We highly recommend using status object lists to prioritize the New Lead status. The rest of the statuses will follow the Dialer logic; you don't need to add them to the group filters.

  2. Each time a new campaign appears in the Dialer, you must update lead status lists with the new campaign status.

Once you click Create List, you can use it in Filter Groups under Predefined Object Lists.

Duplicating Object Lists

If you already have some lists, it may be quicker to duplicate an existing one. Click Duplicate in Actions. The system will add a clone of it at the bottom of the lists table.

Click Edit to modify it as needed: change the name, add or remove some items. Then click Save.

List Templates

You can save a template file for future use. To do this, click Export in Actions.

Click Create from the file and select a JSON file with a previously saved template. This option is available for the Countries and Custom list types.

Use the Duplicate action to add a template by modifying a previously created one.

To edit or delete a list, use the corresponding buttons in the Actions column on the Object Lists page.


If an object list is being used in group filters, you can delete it once you have removed it from the filters.

You can export a template as a JSON file by clicking Export.

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