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New Realtime Stats
Updated over a week ago

The Realtime Stats page allows you to track the live operation of your team (for team managers) or the whole call center (for call center managers).

To open the page, click Realtime Stats on the Dialer home page.


The page consists of several modules that can be rearranged in various orders or configurations based on the layout you select.

You can find detailed descriptions of each module by the following links:


The Show more button in each module enables expansion into a larger table view that provides additional details.

Customizing the Live View

You can create the appropriate preview of your call center calls that aligns with your needs, role, or traffic. Learn how you can customize the live view.


Click the Alerts button in the top right to view notifications and warnings about global issues.

The issue description and its time are shown in a pop-up window.

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