You can create accounts for your Cloud PBX or Dialer to access files with call recordings via the S3 or FTP protocols.
We recommend using the S3 protocol to access the Cloud PBX or Dialer bucket and download the call recording files.
Creating Access Accounts
To create an access account:
In the CommPeak Portal, expand Dialer and click Dialer Instances. Alternatively, expand Cloud PBX and click PBX Instances.
Click the Recording Access Accounts button in the controls on the right of the PBX or Dialer instance:
In the Recording Access Accounts sidebar that opens click the plus icon.
Choose S3 or FTP protocol and access type:
A message box with a new S3 token and secret or FTP account credentials will appear on the screen.
Before closing the message box, make sure to copy the FTP password or S3 secret because it will not be shown again.
You will be able to reset your FTP account password later. Resetting the S3 secret is not possible.
The new account appears in the sidebar:
To remove an account, click the delete icon. This action is irreversible!
Connecting Using the S3 Browser
Ensure that the public IP address of your remote server or PC is whitelisted in the Access Control List.
Once you've downloaded and installed the S3 browser, go to Accounts > Add new account at the top left. Fill in the following information:
Display name (alias only): enter your PBX or Dialer name
Account type: select S3 Comptabile Storage
REST Endpoint: enter
Access Key ID: enter your S3 account token
Secret Access Key: enter the secret key you copied while creating your S3 account
ensure that you select the Use secure transfer (SSL/TLS) checkbox
Click Add new account.
In the advanced settings of your S3 browser, select the following options:
Singature version: Singature V2
Addressing model: Path style
Configuration Example Using AWS CLI V2
Those who prefer command-line tools can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), a unified tool to manage AWS services. It allows you to control multiple AWS services and automate them through scripts.
Please run the following commands to connect to your recordings storage via AWS CLI V2:
To begin, open your computer's command line interface (CLI). This can typically be found by searching for "command prompt" or "terminal" in the search bar.
Enter the following command:
$ aws configure --profile your PBX or Dialer name
This will create a new profile for your PBX or Dialer in AWS CLI V2.Next, you will be prompted to enter your AWS Access Key ID (your S3 account token) and Secret Access Key (your S3 account secret). These can be found in your S3 account settings. Enter them when prompted.
You will also be asked for your Default region name and Default output format. Please feel free to leave these blank for now.
Now that you have configured your new profile, you can use it to connect to your recordings storage. Enter the following command:
$ aws s3 ls s3:// --endpoint-url --profile your PBX or Dialer name
This will list the bucket name for your recordings storage. Please note that the bucket name will be a long string of numbers and letters, such as
To sync your recording files to your local directory, use the following command:
aws s3 sync s3://bucket name/recordings/ /home/local_directory/ --endpoint-url --profile your PBX or Dialer name
Please replace your PBX or Dialer name with the real name and your bucket name with the one you obtained in the previous step.
This will sync all of your recording files with the specified local directory.
If you encounter any issues or need more information about AWS CLI V2 commands, you can use the --debug
flag in your commands to view a full debug report. You can also refer to the AWS CLI V2 documentation for more detailed explanations and examples.
Storage Directory Structure
/{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{audio file with outgoing or incoming call recording} - for recordings from the Dialer
/{year}/{month}/{day}/{audio file with outgoing or incoming call recording} - for all other recordings
Access Control List
To access your storage, you must configure access rules for your FTP and S3 accounts.
To set IP ACL:
Go to the IP ACL tab in the Recordings Access Accounts sidebar.
Enter an IP address with a subnet mask for an account.
Click the plus icon.
Repeat the steps to add more IPs.
If the CommPeak system blocks your FTP username for violating the maximum concurrent connections, you can unblock it in Current Blocks.
Access Log
You can view a summary for the selected date range or download a log file with more detailed information.
To view access details:
Go to the Access Summary tab in the Recordings Access Accounts sidebar.
Select a date range in the interactive calendar or use presets.
Click Search.
You will see how many files were opened or deleted and the amount of uploaded and downloaded data during the selected period.
Click the download icon to save a CSV file with the access log. The log contains more details, such as IP address, exact time, action, downloaded file path, and errors, if any.