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SMS and Email
Updated over 6 months ago

The Dialer can send SMS or email messages to leads triggered by certain events. For example, you can use them to send a verification link to leads after they've made deposits.

Agents can also send SMS messages from the call or feedback pages.


To enable the SMS-sending feature, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Make sure you have fundsโ€ in your account on

  2. Submit a ticket to the support team with a feature request:

    1. create templates for each event describing what you want the lead to see and attach them to the support ticket

    2. for marketing emails, specify sending hours for all subscriber countries.

The support team will do the rest, and you'll be able to send SMS messages and check reports.

To view the user portal reports, go to SMS > EDRs at

If you are interested in the CommPeak SMS service, please refer to the articles in this section.

If you need to send an SMS campaign, you can use our TextPeak platform.


To enable emails, you can just submit a ticket to your account manager, and they will give you more instructions.

Reports and Alerts

To view the Dialer SMS or email reports, go to Reports and select Settings > Messaging Integrations and expand the Messaging Logs tab. You can find more information in this article.

If you run out of SMS balance, the system will let you know in Realtime Alerts so that you can top up your account in time.

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